ETFO Hastings Prince Edward Teacher Local


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The following terms of reference apply to all Collective Agreement Negotiated Funds:

  • Technological Enhancement Program
  • Additional Qualifications Fund
  • Professional Development Fund


Terms of Reference – All Funds

  1. The President or designate will administer the funds and report to the PD Committee annually.
  2. The PD Committee will review the funds’ terms of reference annually with recommendations to the Executive.
  3. Applications for funds will be accepted from September 1st through March 31st or prior to March 31st if the funds are depleted.
  4. All funding applications must be submitted electronically via the Local website.
  5. New Members can not receive funds for activities completed prior to the first day of employment.
  6. Members hired and working during the school year (also known as mid-year hires) will be eligible to access the funds effective the date of hire.
  7. In accordance with the ETFO H-PE expense policy, expenses filed three months or more following the event will be deemed “Stale Dated” and will not be paid by the Local.
  8. In accordance with the ETFO H-PE expense policy, non-deposited cheques will be deemed “Stale Dated” three months after issuing and will not be paid by the Local.
  9. In accordance with Article of the Collective Agreement, “Any funds remaining in the Additional Qualifications Fund (10.04), the Professional Development Fund (10.05) and the Technological Enhancement Fund (Article 47) may be shared among the three (3) funds after allocations from each fund have ended. After March 31 of each school year, the combined surplus from the three funds, if any, will be applied to the Local ETFO Executive for distribution. In the event that the combined surplus has not been fully depleted in accordance with its guidelines by the end of June, additional approvals for late applicants to the Additional Qualifications Fund, the Professional Development Fund and the Technological Enhancement Fund may occur, in accordance with these guidelines, or the surplus may be re-allocated by ETFO and the Board.”
  10. In order to qualify for funding you must be a member of the Local ETFO at the time of application and also during the course, conference, workshop, and/or purchase.


Article 10.04 – Additional Qualifications Fund

10.04.01 The Board shall provide a fund of $35,000.00 per school year for retraining and professional upgrading. The screening and approval of funds will be done by the Local Union. The Board will rebate the $35,000.00 fund to the Local Union by September 1 and the Local Union will provide an accounting of the use of the funds upon request of the Board.

10.04.02 Eligibility – Applicants must be members of the Local during the period of time that the course was taken and at the time of approval.

10.04.03 Only those courses equivalent to Ministry of Education standards or recognized by the Ontario College of Teachers or QECO will qualify for assistance.

10.04.04 Allocation

  • Funds up to $350.00 for a half course or up to $500.00 for a full course may be available for each eligible applicant.
  • Any funds remaining in the Additional Qualifications Fund (10.04), the Professional Development Fund (10.05) and the Technological Enhancement Fund (Article 47) may be shared among the three (3) funds after allocations from each fund have ended. After March 31 of each school year, the combined surplus from the three (3) funds, if any, will be applied to the Local ETFO Executive for distribution. In the event that the combined surplus has not been fully depleted in accordance with its guidelines by the end of June, additional approvals for late applicants to the Additional Qualifications Fund, the Professional Development Fund and the Technological Enhancement Fund may occur, in accordance with these guidelines, or the surplus may be re-allocated by ETFO and the Board.

Terms of Reference – AQ Funds

  1. A member is eligible to apply for reimbursement up to $500.00 per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Please note application dates below.(Funds up to $350.00 for half course or up to $500.00 for a full course. In the event whereby a member takes another half course, he/she will be eligible to apply for an additional $150.00, not to exceed $500.00.)
  2. The Course must be an O.C.T./QECO approved course excluding any PQP (Principal’s Qualification Program) course and/or any educational programs which incorporate a PQP course.
  3. Members must provide confirmation of enrolment including details of the amount paid.
  4. Dates of courses are based on the Start Date of the course; keeping in mind that courses taken June 1 to Oct 31 will have to wait for reimbursement until ETFO H-PE receives the rebate from the Board in the Fall.
  5. Members planning to enroll in courses beginning after March 31 of the fiscal year and before May 31 must apply for funding prior to March 31.
  6. Monies shall be distributed on a first come, first served basis based on eligibility outlined above:
  7. June 1 – Oct. 31 (start date) – 70% of the funds available will be disbursed
  8. Nov. 1 – May 31 (start date) – 30% of the funds available will be disbursed
  9. Any excess funds remaining after the June to Oct. allotment, will be carried over to the Nov. to May allotment.
  10. Surplus funds after March 31 will be allocated according to the terms of the Collective Agreement.


The funds may be allotted for:

1. Local Initiatives, as determined by the Local Executive, eg. speakers (Stephen Lewis, Alphie Kohn, etc.)

2. The Local PD Committee to organize and deliver Local professional development opportunities for ETFO H-PE members. The amount will be determined each year during the Local budget process.

3. The remainder of the funds will be distributed according to the following criteria

a. A maximum of $200 per member per fiscal year

b. The costs must be related to the attendance at a workshop or conference, or a course not covered under the AQ Fund, excluding any PQP (Principal’s Qualification Program) course and/or any educational programs which incorporate a PQP course and approved teacher-directed professional learning.

c. The following costs will be eligible:

i) Registration, accommodation, travel (public transportation/gas receipts), meals Materials directly related to participation in the workshop (e.g., a book required to participate).

ii) Materials to be used for teacher-directed professional learning (e.g. books, software).

4. The following costs will be ineligible to be reimbursed:

i) Release Time (Release time may be granted in the case of extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the REMs).

ii) If the conference/workshop is being subsidized by the ETFO H-PE Local

iii) Resources for classroom instruction (e.g. workbooks, art supplies).

5. Receipts will be required in order for a payment to be issued. Photocopies or scanned copies are acceptable.

6. Monies shall be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to application approval.


Collective Agreement: Article 47 – Technological Enhancement Program (TEP Fund)

The Board shall provide a Technological Enhancement Program fund of $30,000.00/year for Elementary ETFO members covered by this Collective Agreement. The Board will rebate the $30,000.00/year in the fund to ETFO by September 1 and the Local Union will administer the fund and provide an accounting of the use of the fund upon request of the board.

Terms of Reference – Technological Enhancement Fund (TEP)

  1. ETFO members are eligible to apply to the TEP fund once every three fiscal years only. (Fiscal year: July 1 – June 30).
  2. ETFO members who purchase technological equipment related to professional use, within the current fiscal year, will be eligible to apply for a subsidy up to $300.00.
  3. Receipts must be submitted. Photocopies of original receipts will be accepted due to the nature of warranties.
  4. In the case of spouses/partners where both individuals are ETFO members, one receipt may be submitted to cover the total eligible amount for two eligible claims.
  5. Monies shall be distributed on a first come, first served basis on eligibility outlined above.


Terms of Reference for Communications Expenses

  1.  The President or designate will administer the funds and report to the Executive through the Treasurer.
  2. The Budget Committee will review annually the Communications Terms of Reference through the Budget process.
  3. Applications for Communications funds will be accepted from September 1st to May 1st.
  4. Receipts totaling up to $500 must be submitted by no later than May 30th.
  5. All expenses must occur during the current fiscal year – July 1st to June 30th.
  6. Expenses will be paid out following the Local AGM.
  7. All applications must be submitted electronically via the Local website. Applications for Communications expenses are to be completed only once per year.
  8. Acceptable expenses for Communications include: Telephone expenses, Cell phone expenses, Internet expenses, Computer expenses, Fax expenses, Office Supplies expenses
  9. Photocopies of original receipts/bills will be accepted.
  10. New Members cannot receive funds for expenses prior to the first day of employment.
  11. In accordance with the ETFO H-PE expense policy, non-deposited cheques will be deemed “Stale Dated” three months after issuing and will not be paid by the Local.
  12. In order to qualify for funding, you must be a member of the Local ETFO at the time of the expense.
  13. Expenses will be prorated for positions that are shared throughout the school year.
  14. For Stewards, $100 of the expenses will be based on attendance (or have arranged for a designate to attend) at 4 Steward Council meetings and the Local AGM. These meetings are prorated at $20 per meeting.
  15. For Committee Chairs, $100 of the expenses will be based on attendance at the following meetings, 80% of the Local Executive Meetings and the Local AGM. These meetings are prorated at $20 per 20%. The Local AGM would account for the remaining $20.
  16. Required attendance at meetings listed in #13 and #14 may be waived by the Local President in consultation with the other REM’s for exceptional circumstances. The following positions are eligible to apply for reimbursement up to $500.00 per fiscal year for Communications expenses:
  • Local School Stewards
  • Chair of the Status of Women Committee
  • Chair of the Professional Development Committee
  • Chair of the Political Action Committee
  • Chair of the Equity and Social Justice Committee
  • Chair of the Social/Wellness Committee
  • Chair of the First Five Committee
  • Chair of the Health and Safety Committee
  • Secretary

The following positions are eligible to apply for reimbursement up to $400 per fiscal year for Communications expenses:

  • Joint Health and Safety Rep



Federation House

114 Victoria Avenue

Belleville, ON K8N2A8

P: 613.968.3707

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